The Unpublished Works of
Roberta J. Morris
Lecturer in Patent Law
Writer on Patent Law and Everything Else
and Reviser and Annotator of Recipes

Items are usually  listed in inverse chronological order by year, but sometimes, within a particular year or month, in regular chronological order when that makes more sense.  A table of all the posts, sortable by date, title, etc.,  is in preparation. 

Items are usually listed in inverse chronological order by year.  Sometimes, however, within a year or month, they are in regular chronological order.  Jump to the list for:
myunpublishedworks myunpublishedworks2 r3a2recipes

Blog postings on, the blog for thoughts on patent law (mostly)

Blog postings on, the blog for thoughts on everything else (but not for recipes)

Blog postings on Roberta's Revised, Reorganized And Annotated Recipes, the blog for recipes requested by friends and relatives

Coming Soon!  New Blogs under construction!
    Roberta's Revised, Reorganized and Annotated Household Hints and Crafts: suggestions to send to friends and relatives
    Words Well Used:  thoughts on writing and the books I read

Last modified March 7, 2015 - rjm